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Click on the image and get to know the Holochromes System screens

Click on the image and watch Muni Oliveira on Rede Bahia's Approved program.



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The Holocromos system, created by psychotherapist Muni Oliveira, is made up of 64 holographic screens that express the state of the art of nature in the form of fractals. The fractal set described by Fritjof Capra is formed by non-integer figures, fractions that repeat themselves infinitely. Holochromes is a symbolic evaluation system that translates the individual's condition, today and now, into various levels, perceptible and energetic.

When a person chooses a certain screen with a holographic form of the Holochromes, it means that there is an internal resonance, at the same level of frequency correspondence. It is a choice of the soul, which recognizes itself in its multidimensionality. The set of chosen canvases translates the personal aspects and singularities of the moment and of each one's life.

Holochromes is a method with therapeutic purpose, which provides an intervention with the use of holograms (shapes of fractals), holosons (sound frequencies), chromatic lights, physiofractal (touches in specific points of the body) and synergies produced by the principles of chromoaromatherapy (Soluz ).

The Holochromes system establishes a correlation between shapes, colors, aromas and sounds in connectivity with the flow of the universe, nature and the inner world of each human being. Universal representations present in the micro and macro, which interact with each other.

Terapia dos Fractais

The Holochromes by Muni Oliveira

The creation of Holochromes and the main features of the system are described by Muni Oliveira in this video, which provides a synthesis of outstanding aspects of the Fractal Therapy. The system translates different aspects of the human condition through fractal forms.


Muni Oliveira is graduated in Psychology and post-graduated in Neuropsychology. Professor of Aura-Soma at the Institute of Arts and Technology of Colors - IK (England) and Professor of Reiki at the Reiki Alliance (USA).


The Holochromes System is the result of more than three decades of studies and practices by Muni Oliveira in therapies and practices of self-knowledge in several communities and schools of arts and philosophy in the East and in the Amazon.

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When a person signs or chooses the Holochrome screen, he is manifesting the expression of his experience and his essence. Resonance with certain forms happens because there is a relationship with ancestral memories; the psychic content; sensations and perceptions.


How to Become a Holochrome System Therapist. See also our support material and Terms of Use.

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The architecture of the System was designed by Muni Oliveira, inspired by fractal geometry, in a circular, spiraled flow, with frequencies interconnected at different levels.

This representation applies to the drawing of canvases and the reading map.

Holochromes is a useful system for the self-knowledge process, which provides an experiential and practical process, with benefits verified in a short time, since the issues soon surface with more clarity and assertiveness.

leitura holgrafica


Rua Juazeiro, 4B, Rio Vermelho, Salvador-Bahia – Brazil


Tel: +55 71 99124-3436


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