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The studies and lived experiences were consolidated by the work developed with transpersonal psychology and by its role in the training of holistic therapists.

The conception of the system arose from the experience with nature and was influenced by the customs and traditions of the native peoples of Brazil, heritages from Bahia, birthplace of Muni Oliveira, daughter of Chapada Diamantina, and her immersions in the Brazilian and Peruvian Amazon rainforest.

The birth of the Holochromes was triggered during a journey by Muni in Peru, especially at the passes at Machu Picchu and the Isle of Uros, under the resplendent Lake Titicaca, in 2007. The revelation of these symbolic elements was the culmination of a deep dive into the works on the ancestral wisdom of our people in the art of healing and the legacy of the Inca culture. In the encounter with the ancestry in Peruvian lands, the contact with the chromatic holograms emerged and the system was being designed, with its fractal forms.


Rua Juazeiro, 4B, Rio Vermelho, Salvador-Bahia – Brazil


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